General Energy

How to Be a Sustainability Champion in Challenging Times

Are you working for a corporation that does not care about sustainability or energy efficiency? Do you feel like a lone warrior fighting a larger-than-life battle within your organization? Does your senior management view your passion as an expense with no return on investment? If the answer to any of…

Demonstrating U.S. Climate Leadership

Since the White House announcement of its intention to withdraw from the Paris Agreement, American mayors, governors, CEOs, and other leaders have been reaffirming their support for continued action on climate change. As of last month, we have seen nine states, 227 cities and counties, 315 institutions of higher education,…

A New Era of U.S. Climate Action

A new era of U.S. climate action has dawned. In the four short days since President Trump announced his intent to withdraw from the landmark Paris Agreement, more than 1,000 U.S. states, cities, businesses, and universities have organized themselves into an unprecedented coalition dedicated to continuing strong U.S. climate leadership.

35 Years of Bold Steps in the Clean Energy Race: Part 3

As RMI celebrates our 35th anniversary as a nonprofit organization, we are in a very exciting, but also very critical, time in our race to a clean energy future. We recently held a web discussion, 35 Bold Ideas to Win the Clean Energy Race, with RMI CEO Jules Kortenhorst and…

RMI Statement on U.S. Withdrawal from the Paris Agreement

Friends, We are greatly disappointed in President Trump’s decision to pull the United States out of the Paris Climate Agreement. The Paris Agreement constitutes humanity’s best effort to put a global governance mechanism in place to address the global climate change threat. It is and will remain an unprecedented achievement…