power lines and wind turbines over a solar field at sunset


RMI Alumnus Drives Change (Using Advanced Vehicles)

This is the third in a series of blogs about RMI alumni. Many Rocky Mountain Institute interns come here through their love and concern for the environment. David Anderson isn’t your typical greenie, though. He’s more engineer than environmentalist and was attracted to RMI because of his interest in energy, which stems from his love of racing cars.

Building Inspiration Through an Iconic Retrofit

Originally posted by greenbiz.com. In the 1933 movie King Kong, the Empire State Building sets the backdrop for the ape’s climactic defeat. Throughout decades of art and culture, America’s favorite building has hosted tragedy and inspired grand solutions. The building magnifies our indomitable spirit and aspirations that carry America forward.

Cisco’s ‘Generation Everywhere’ Utility Vision

Originally published by Greentechmedia.com. Are utilities ready for distributed generation and the “prosumer” energy economy? The electric power industry is just at the beginning of a transformation in business models due to disruption by new technology that has parallels to many other industries.

Lightweighting a Key To DOE’s EV Everywhere Grand Challenge

In March 2012 President Obama announced a “B-HAG” (Big Hairy Audacious Goal) for U.S. electric vehicle adoption: enable U.S. companies to produce plug-in electric vehicles that are as affordable and convenient as today’s gas-powered vehicles by 2022.