power lines and wind turbines over a solar field at sunset



FERC Could Slash Inflation and Double Renewables with These Grid Upgrades

You don’t have to be an economist to know that inflation is one of the chief financial challenges facing Americans today. Key indicators point to energy prices as a principal driver of the increased cost of living, as gasoline soars over $5 per gallon and natural gas spikes lead to…

industrial factory

Securitization in Action

As the cost of renewable energy continues to decline, over 12 gigawatts of coal capacity are set to retire in 2022 in the United States.

smoke stacks releasing gas

A Fair Green Deal for the Last Coal Plant in Mississippi

Late in 2021, Southern Company, the giant utility headquartered in Atlanta, announced it would pursue the retirement or conversion of 15 coal-fired generation units at its power plants, totaling nearly 9,000 MW of capacity. One Southern-owned plant was conspicuously absent from those plans: the Red Hills Generating…