power lines and wind turbines over a solar field at sunset


Fort Collins Steps Up, Approves Accelerated Climate Target

Sometimes leadership arises from impatience. In Fort Collins, Colorado—a city known for its pragmatic, can-do attitude—getting on with the business of reducing greenhouse gas emissions doesn’t have to wait for international treaties, federal mandates, or carbon taxes. This week, the Fort Collins City Council voluntarily adopted revised climate action goals…

Can Big Data Help Us Get to a Carbon-Free Future?

This speeding avalanche of data—and all the information in it—can lead to great opportunities, especially in the areas we work in at RMI—electricity, buildings, and transportation.

Missing a Mining Opportunity

Guest author Matthew Cullinen is a Carbon War Room alum. My parents still use America Online (AOL) and they’re not alone. Though many have made the switch to “modern” services like Gmail, others have steadfastly clung to comfortable, old, “easy” ways of doing things. That same dynamic is before…

Congress Just Extended the PTC and ITC: What You Need to Know

Late last week, Congress passed a bill that extends the Production Tax Credit (PTC) and Investment Tax Credit (ITC) that have benefited wind and solar, respectively. This is big news for the U.S. renewable energy industry. According to Bloomberg New Energy Finance, the net result could be 37…