industry worker monitoring


A Renewable Hydrogen Way Forward for the Mining Industry?

Mining companies are facing significant challenges in their efforts to decarbonize, and are looking for more opportunities to incorporate dynamic technologies to aid these efforts. The challenge in many cases is to do this without limiting the efficiency of the extraction and processing systems. Renewable energy solutions can offset many…

Mining for Emissions Reductions: Strike while the Earth Is Cool

Download RMI’s new report Decarbonization Pathways for Mines: A Headlamp in the Darkness. Companies involved in natural resource extraction and refinement are uniquely positioned to both benefit and suffer from society’s response to climate change. On the one hand, global demand for many metals and minerals is increasing…

How Mining Can Help Bring Clean Energy Access to the Developing World

It is no secret that the mine of the future must be vastly different than the mine of the past. With increasing fuel prices and social pressures, decreasing ore grades, and more complex energy challenges, mining companies must learn to navigate new terrain if they are to thrive in…

Digging for Carbon Cuts: How the Mining Industry Can Win with Renewables

An unprecedented drop in renewable energy prices, the high energy intensity of mining, and the volatility of fossil fuel pricing have combined to create a groundbreaking opportunity for decarbonizing the mining industry—no pun intended! Seriously, the sustainability opportunity in front of mining companies across the world is no joking matter,…