RMI Outlet

Plug Into New Ideas

Going “Beyond the Light Switch”

Earlier this month, Beyond the Light Switch, a two-part, two-hour documentary narrated by Scientific American’s David Biello became available online. The series considers the trade-offs of various proposed energy solutions with great storytelling and a balanced perspective.

Take Me Out to the (Solar-Powered) Ballgame

Scoreboards big enough to be seen for miles, light fixtures bright enough to make the night seem like day, and enough deep fryers and beer coolers to satisfy the palates of 40,000 excited fans. Several franchises are tackling these energy challenges by installing renewable generation at their stadiums.

Stormwater Splashes Roof — Green Building Haiku Contest

Our friends at BuildingGreen are pretty serious writers when it comes to getting the technical information out about green building. But just how does one glamorize the recycled content of fly ash, for example?