RMI Outlet

Plug Into New Ideas

EPA’s Proposed GHG Standards and our Electricity Future

Watch RMI electricity experts James Newcomb and Lena Hansen discuss how the EPA’s new rule might effect the current electricity landscape in the short term, and how this is one of many steps along the road toward a long-term vision for an electricity system.

Energy Labor – All Jobs Aren’t Created Equal

Total U.S. solar jobs surpassed 100,000 last August, up from 93,000 a year earlier. In addition, GTM Research and the Solar Energy Industry Association recently announced 109 percent year-over-year growth in installed U.S. solar capacity. These jobs numbers are likely to become political footballs once the 2012 election campaign really hits its stride.

The Pursuit of Low Gas Prices is Bad for the U.S.

It's a fallacy that we can drill our way to low gas prices, and trying to do so not only threatens our health, but also wastes our money and misdirects innovation. If we stop focusing on the problem of high gas prices and who’s to blame and start pursuing solutions to the true problem—our oil dependence—we might find we agree more than we think.